Experiences at the 2012 NEA Representative Assembly left me with a lot to think about. As I began to reflect on lessons learned from working on 3 different New Business Items (4, 5, and 82), I discovered a growing list. Here are twelve takeaways from the experience:
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Hmmm - can you imagine this being issued in 2012? |
- Use the “we” voice. Leading in an organization means you are no longer on your own. “We” is both more accurate and more powerful. Thank you Mary McDonald for the reminder!
- Have metrics for success. That way you win no matter what. You have to have a metric to measure success if your initiative happens, and you have to have a metric for success if your initiative doesn’t happen. The latter was certainly the case for NBI #4. But this happened by default – being intentional about it takes it to the next level. Planning for success is valuable both in leadership and teaching.
- Conviction matters. Genuinely caring about the organization and outcomes trumps a lot of bad stuff. Conviction confuses the self-interested. They don’t understand your motivations.
- Relationship means knowing what people are good at. Jo Anderson of the US Department of Education told me, “Relationship is everything.” I never truly understood what this meant until this RA. Knowing the strengths of others, and understanding how they operate, is critical to trust.
- Teamwork, teamwork, teamwork. As a rural leader, I’m used to being chief cook and bottle washer. As a team coalesced around NBI #4 in the TURN caucus and around NBI #82 more generally, I was amazed to watch high capacity leaders quickly deploy their strengths and figure out their roles on the fly. It was a real eye opener.
- Break off pieces of a problem. Doing something specific and actionable is better than doing something diffuse and rhetorical. This is the theory and practice of being bold. Actually saying something inspires meaningful debate, which is a fundamental political good.
- Avoid factionalism. Rural vs. Urban, NEA vs. AFT. Sometimes one has to let go of little things in order to get at the big issues. Factions are about power. The antidote to factionalism is inclusiveness. When people actually talk to each other, we discover other folks care as much as we do, and don’t have horns and a tail.
- People don’t like being forced to do things. They don’t even like the smell of it. All the pro-NBI #4 speakers tried to be clear that this would not force anybody to do anything. The anti-NBI #4 speakers painted it as a top-down initiative that would compel people to do things they might not want to do. That rhetoric swayed the assembly. We’re going to need to think about the implications very carefully in the future.
- Language matters. With 5000 wordsmiths in the room you have to get the language right. Leveraging the talents of some of those wordsmiths is a valuable thing to do.
- Power and position are just platforms to get things done. It is a terrible mistake to value these things for their own sake. Using power and position to strengthen the organization is correct; using these things for self-aggrandizement diminishes everyone.
- Developing leadership capacity means having experiences. Nobody can tell you how to do leadership work. You have to thrust yourself into the maelstrom. As the old adage says, “Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you really want.” This is an example of #2 above, succeeding either way. Nobody can teach you how to speak in front of 9000 people, how to file a New Business Item for optimal effect, or how to lobby Congress. You just have to do it and take your lumps. If you value engagement as a fundamental good, you have to encourage others to have these experiences as well – whether or not you agree with them.
- Reflection is as valuable in leadership as it is in teaching. I’m a National Board Certified Teacher. It doesn’t mean I’m better than you; it just means I’ve enhanced my capacity for reflection and improvement. Reflection is priceless for improving classroom practice. It is equally valuable in leadership.
So here’s hoping I don’t repeat too many mistakes, and that my future mistakes are novel and exciting….
What are your leadership takeaways from RA?
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